The Water Research Centre (WRc) released the 1st Manual of Sewer Condition Classification (MSCC) in the United Kingdom back in the 1980’s. The differing versions have evolved over the years and is currently in the 5th edition (the 2nd edition based on the EN coding standards). Using the codes allows camera operators to log observations cleanly and consistently from pipe to pipe, inspection to inspection over time. Supervisors and engineers can compare defects from different parts of their collection system, inspected by different operators on different days, using their computers to score and grade allowing consistent analysis.
WRc/MSCC5 is an excellent system, but its level of detail imposes a learning curve for users. With so many codes and requirements to ensure correct, consistent data, gaining familiarity takes time. For new users, this involves cross-referencing observations to a comprehensive manual of descriptions and example photos.
Identifying the correct defect is important so that Water Authorities and crews can accurately plan the time, money and resources needed for rehabilitation. For example, there are ten different surface damage codes that delineate specific levels of damage. Reinforcement corroded (SRP) identifies damage that is far worse than increased roughness (SW), so making the proper distinction is necessary to executing an appropriate repair. And catching problems early, like SW, can aid in protecting the line from further corrosion saving time, money and resources in the long-run; SW is an easier defect to repair than SRP.
Keep defect codes selection accurate – every time – with our new Codes Reference: WRc/MSCC5 Structural and Construction poster, which provides clear illustrations of each defect with their corresponding code and notes important details. Put it up in your office or in the van for easy reference. Request your copy here: