WinCan Web’s Enterprise Solution Is Here

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 18, 2022 5:35:16 PM / by WinCan

New Work Order Management Capabilities Help Municipalities Coordinate Sewer Inspection Work and Track Progress.

WinCan Web’s enterprise features support enhanced work order management within WinCan’s secure cloud ecosystem. Equipped with a detailed dashboard for fast, click-of-a-button metrics, WinCan Web’s enterprise solution enables teams to edit, review, approve and track work orders directly from the cloud. These work orders bring together project file, section data and inspections, and with in-depth mapping capabilities built directly into WinCan Web, enterprise users can monitor work orders city-wide, allowing for faster identification of maintenance trends. They can gain insights on an entire system as a whole and then drill down into the details of specific lines and inspections. WinCan Web’s enterprise features enable municipalities and contractors to conduct essential overwatch of sewer system health, and it fits right into any WinCan workflow.

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How to Shop for Sewer Inspection AI

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 14, 2022 1:36:04 PM / by WinCan

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has entered the sewer market in a big way. Not only is it expediting sewer inspection workflows, it’s providing an avenue for data to be organized, analyzed and updated automatically. The rippling effects of AI-powered defect coding alone are quickly changing the way municipalities approach sewer maintenance and asset management. And with ROI often top of mind for most municipal sewer teams, WinCan’s Sewermatics is already delivering positive results for AI defect coding projects.

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The Shifting Wastewater Industry: From Cloud-Based Workflows to Resilient Infrastructure

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 4, 2022 1:40:47 PM / by WinCan

The wastewater industry is seeing shifts in core workflows, creating trends toward more efficient tech and more resilient infrastructure. In particular, use of artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to spread as municipalities migrate toward predominantly cloud-based workflows. But beyond technology, the United States is putting renewed effort into rehabilitating infrastructure, with more cities investing in sustainable, resilient sewer systems with the ability to adapt in the face of extreme weather.

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Understand Sewer Condition Better with Cloud-based Sewer Inspection

[fa icon="calendar'] May 23, 2017 2:53:29 PM / by WinCan

As cloud-based storage becomes more popular, municipalities, utilities and contractors must consider the benefits cloud-based solutions provide, particularly for sewer inspection data management.

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Making Cross Bore Inspections Standardized, Accessible and Mappable.

[fa icon="calendar'] May 15, 2017 2:18:45 PM / by WinCan

A cross bore occurs when one underground utility line intersects another. Cross bores are particularly dangerous when a gas line intersects a sewer line. This happens during horizontal directional drilling (HDD), a technique for installing a gas line using a remotely piloted drill head. During HDD, installers must rely on city asset maps to avoid existing sewer pipes. Erroneous or incomplete map data can create the potential for a cross bore. When a cross bore occurs, the intersecting gas line can snag debris in sewer effluent, causing a clog. If that clog is forcibly cleared, the gas line may rupture and leak into adjoining buildings, where it presents a serious potential for explosion.

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Southern Water Adopts WinCan Web

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 5, 2017 7:31:09 PM / by WinCan

As UK Water Companies have taken on increasing responsibility for wastewater networks, the need to ensure easy, clear and speedy access to pipeline condition survey data has become ever-more important. This has been very much one of the drivers behind the adoption by Southern Water of the WinCan Web system recently launched by industry-leading CCTV reporting software provider, WinCan.

Southern Water has for some years utilised an alternative document management system for the compilation and storage of its pipeline survey data. The system whilst useful was by current standards somewhat cumbersome and not very user-friendly. With survey data being provided largely on DVD, the method of electronic storage meant that should engineers wish to view a survey, first the data file had to be retrieved and then the whole video had to be watched to find the location of interest as the system could not utilise effectively location selection.

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Share Inspection Data Faster, More Securely on the Cloud

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 4, 2017 7:55:42 PM / by WinCan

With a long-standing reputation for being conservative, the wastewater industry has sometimes been slow to embrace innovation. There are compelling reasons for that: health protection, security, and compliance concerns often eclipse the benefits of new technologies. Plus, short innovation cycles in technology typically do not match well with an industry that plans in long-term investments.

However, cloud computing is an innovation that is hard to refuse - not least thanks to its inherent cost advantages. IT infrastructure and management are centralized and can be scaled to project size. Plus, the initial investment is relatively small and pays off quickly thanks to saving on infrastructure management and through attractive added value opportunities. Many other industries are utilizing cloud services which enable them to react much more quickly and take corrective action before something becomes a real problem.

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