Kevin David spent nearly two decades working in the wastewater industry before deciding to venture out and start something of his own.
Recent Posts
Next Level Environmental Combines Experience With the Right Sewer Tech
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 17, 2020 2:28:19 PM / by WinCan
JS Industries Expands Services, Boosts Productivity with WinCan
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 4, 2020 1:41:42 PM / by WinCan
Within just the past year, JS Industries has grown from a small trenchless point repair company to a full-fledged wastewater contracting business offering CCTV inspections and sewer cleaning services.
Sewer Basics: What is Wastewater Asset Management?
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 23, 2020 4:01:44 PM / by WinCan
Wastewater asset management is a practice many operators use to develop long-term plans for sustaining wastewater systems and services.
Gain New Insights from Legacy Data with WinCan
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 7, 2020 5:25:09 PM / by WinCan
With WinCan, old data isn’t lost data. WinCan’s data specialists can migrate archival sewer inspection data efficiently and accurately, regardless of its age or format, so it’s both usable and insightful.
Sewer Basics: What is a Sewer Lateral Inspection?
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 30, 2020 11:45:56 AM / by WinCan
A sewer lateral is the pipe connecting a home or business’ plumbing to the city’s sanitary sewer system. These pipes typically run underneath the house or business’ property before connecting with a larger pipe, called a sewer main, under the street or other nearby area.
Wastewater Provides Early Warning for Coronavirus’s Spread
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 18, 2020 4:39:04 PM / by WinCan
It’s been called “the canary in the coal mine”: testing raw sewage for traces of the COVID-19 can help track the disease’s circulation in a community—often well before the official case count is available.
Sewermatics: AI for Sewers
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 8, 2020 9:46:24 AM / by WinCan
WinCan is always looking ahead at ways to integrate new technology into our software, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for automatic defect recognition and classification.
Our new AI toolkit, Sewermatics, helps improve operator accuracy, automatically detects defects in video inspections, assigns defect codes and auto-populates data like size, position and water level in 30 languages.
Gathering More Data in Less Time
Updated WinCan Web Offers Users New, Improved Features
[fa icon="calendar'] May 4, 2020 6:42:17 PM / by WinCan
WinCan Web is the leading online platform for sewer teams to collaborate remotely. It includes powerful tools for managing, sharing and analyzing sewer inspection data, and for supporting asset management and maintenance planning across a wastewater collection system.
WinCan CleverScan Software Upgrade
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 22, 2020 11:27:21 AM / by WinCan
An upgraded version of WinCan’s CleverScan software module (1.7) includes several new and updated features to improve user experience.
Watch Webinar: Remote Collaboration using WinCan Web
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 20, 2020 3:22:51 PM / by WinCan
As with many other industries, sewer professionals are having to find unique ways to perform their essential responsibilities while following strict safety and health regulations amidst COVID-19. However, with online workflows, crew members can continue close collaboration, regardless of their geographic location. WinCan recently presented a free webinar to demonstrate how team members can continue to manage and share sewer inspection data instantaneously, even with those working remotely, and to highlight a new breed of cloud-based technology specifically tailored to the sewer industry.