Wastewater professionals, whether in the field or in the office, need to be able to navigate inspection data with speed and precision. For many sewer inspection contractors, time is money. WinCan’s filter tools allow users to quickly pinpoint and organize inspection data for pipes, laterals and manholes with just a few clicks.
Recent Posts
Getting to Know WinCan's Filtering Tools
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 8, 2021 2:59:21 PM / by WinCan
5 Wastewater Industry Trends to Expect in 2021
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 28, 2020 8:12:00 AM / by WinCan
The wastewater industry is changing. New technologies are delivering more data than ever before, and inspection software is becoming increasingly effective in managing, analyzing and storing data.
Developing Flood Resiliency in Wastewater Systems
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 10, 2020 4:16:23 PM / by WinCan
Flooding is a concern in almost every part of the world. And in the United States specifically, flooding has caused more death and destruction than any other kind of natural disaster, according to National Geographic.
Floods pose a threat to people, homes and buildings, and to civil infrastructure, including wastewater systems.
Sewer Basics: What Causes Sewer Damage?
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 30, 2020 6:08:58 PM / by WinCan
Sewers are designed to endure a lot: collecting, transporting, sorting and processing human waste, debris, normal flow and, in some cases, rainwater and runoff. But they can only withstand so much over a period of time before they begin to break down. General wear-and-tear is one of the leading causes of sewer damage, but there are other common contributors, too.
How Can Maps Support Inspection Workflows?
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 19, 2020 5:48:07 PM / by WinCan
Having the capability to visualize data is a crucial part of any wastewater team’s inspection workflow, and WinCan’s flexible GIS integrations makes it easier than ever to do so.
Ensure Accessibility for Your Sewer Inspection Data
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 30, 2020 2:34:58 PM / by WinCan
Sewer workers — and project managers, construction crews, and public works teams — spend much of their time on the job site. And the location and project can vary wildly day to day. In a single week a crew may be asked to deploy equipment into a downtown collection system, through lines in a new suburban development, or down an access point in an off-road easement.
The Benefits of AI for Wastewater Inspection
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 15, 2020 1:14:54 PM / by WinCan
Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the way we manage and maintain our wastewater systems. But untangling the too-good-to-be-true claims of pitchmen and the long-term implications for the average operator is not easy.
AI for Wastewater Inspections: Object Detection vs. Image Segmentation
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 30, 2020 5:05:10 PM / by WinCan
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly common across many different industries seeking to make processes smarter and more efficient. The wastewater industry is no exception. Discussion about the roles AI can and will play in assessing and managing wastewater assets has been growing as the technology evolves.
Tools for Managing Wastewater Infrastructure Assets
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 14, 2020 7:01:57 PM / by WinCan
Managing capital assets like wastewater infrastructure requires departments to keep maintenance and ownership costs low while ensuring service levels remains high.
Understanding COVID-19's Impact on Wastewater Budgets
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 28, 2020 4:38:35 PM / by WinCan
Wastewater industry professionals have carried on much the same during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring that essential services are getting the attention they need to provide for communities. But while the specific needs of sewer systems haven’t shifted much, the industry’s financial situation has, forcing departments across the United States to reevaluate and rebudget.