Having complete, accessible mapping data is integral to job site coordination, and it’s often required in the broader analysis of sewer system health. Over the years, WinCan has expanded its mapping features intentionally, ensuring sewer teams are able to navigate their systems with accurate, up-to-date data and visualization. As technology evolves, it’s vital that these mapping capabilities are accessible in the cloud, compiling data from various sources to paint a more vivid picture of what work is getting done where, and the implications of inspection results.
A Guide to WinCan-Supported Cloud Mapping
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 5, 2022 2:32:22 PM / by WinCan
Watch: Sewermatics AI Keeps Work On Pace
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 29, 2022 4:41:03 PM / by WinCan
WinCan’s Sewermatics data services are making it easier for municipalities to overcome bottlenecks and workload spikes. Tools like data translation and visualization have long-term effects on inspection analysis and planning, and AI-supported defect coding keeps projects on pace and within budget. Backed by WinCan Web’s cloud infrastructure, Sewermatics can easily help inspection teams deliver results faster, directly to WinCan Web for access from anywhere in the world.
WinCan Web’s Enterprise Solution Is Here
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 18, 2022 5:35:16 PM / by WinCan
New Work Order Management Capabilities Help Municipalities Coordinate Sewer Inspection Work and Track Progress.
WinCan Web’s enterprise features support enhanced work order management within WinCan’s secure cloud ecosystem. Equipped with a detailed dashboard for fast, click-of-a-button metrics, WinCan Web’s enterprise solution enables teams to edit, review, approve and track work orders directly from the cloud. These work orders bring together project file, section data and inspections, and with in-depth mapping capabilities built directly into WinCan Web, enterprise users can monitor work orders city-wide, allowing for faster identification of maintenance trends. They can gain insights on an entire system as a whole and then drill down into the details of specific lines and inspections. WinCan Web’s enterprise features enable municipalities and contractors to conduct essential overwatch of sewer system health, and it fits right into any WinCan workflow.
2021: A WinCan Year in Review
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 27, 2021 9:00:00 AM / by WinCan
WinCan has continued its innovative approach to sewer inspection by releasing new products and services this year. From powerful AI defect coding to entirely cloud-based inspection workflows, 2021 has been a full year for the development team at WinCan, and we are looking forward to an even better year in 2022.
Web Flex Media Bucket Supports Online Sewer Inspection Workflows
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 8, 2021 11:20:59 AM / by WinCan
The WinCan Web Flex media bucket enables inspection teams to bring any photos and videos related to a project into one easily-accessible, cloud-based location. Often, inspection teams face the challenges of working on several job sites throughout the day, which means inspection footage needs to be organized and stored securely according to different work orders. The media bucket ensures that media is ready when it’s needed and easily attached to an inspection for review.
Watch: A Glimpse of WinCan Web Flex
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 29, 2021 10:48:13 AM / by WinCan
Web Flex brings more flexibility to the WinCan Web cloud solution, allowing users to create, edit and code inspection data from anywhere, anytime. With more freedom in their workflow, sewer teams can complete jobs more quickly and safely, benefiting from easier media uploading and an intuitive online defect coding experience.
How to Code Defects in WinCan Web Flex
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 27, 2021 11:28:12 AM / by WinCan
WinCan Web Flex gives operators the freedom to code inspections anywhere, anytime, producing a fast, seamless workflow. In an increasingly-digital industry, this cloud-based solution allows you to create projects, add sections, log observations and customize reports from any internet-enabled device. Between Sewermatics' AI-powered coding and the cloud-based Web Flex, defect coding is more accessible and automated than ever before.
Introducing WinCan Web Flex
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 20, 2021 11:25:01 AM / by WinCan
Updated offerings on WinCan’s cloud platform bring new functionality to inspection teams, with enhanced editing capabilities and on-the-go project creation.
WinCan Web Flex is the latest addition to WinCan’s suite of sewer solutions, bringing new features to the WinCan Web cloud platform. While the base version of WinCan Web was designed for project management and communication tasks, Web Flex takes the platform’s functionality to a new level with enhanced creation and editing features. With Web Flex, users have the ability to create projects, drop media directly into the web, and then immediately log observations from any internet-enabled device. Users can even score or rescore a project or print and send detailed reports. These changes open up new workflows for sewer inspection teams, allowing them to prioritize speed and efficiency.
Watch the Webinar: WinCan Sewermatics AI-Powered Data Services
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 4, 2021 11:31:36 AM / by WinCan
In May 2021, WinCan introduced Sewermatics data services into its suite of wastewater infrastructure management technologies, enhancing the asset management ecosystem WinCan users have come to rely on. In this webinar, Sewermatics’ business development manager, Yaman Omar, and WinCan's general manager for the Americas, Mike Russin, showcase the full breadth of AI-powered data services and the industry pain points they aim to address.
Impacts of Image Resolution on AI Sewer Inspection
[fa icon="calendar'] May 19, 2021 7:03:53 PM / by WinCan
When approaching sewer maintenance, inspection teams need to both see defects and determine what kind of defects they are. That might not be asking much of a NASSCO-certified engineer, but the simple task of seeing and identifying defects is a tall order for artificial intelligence (AI), which is only starting to scratch the surface of its true potential in the wastewater industry.