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Addison Turns to WinCan to Promote a Healthier Sewer System

[fa icon="calendar'] May 24, 2021 12:40:55 PM / by WinCan

Like most of America, the village of Addison, IL sits on aging sewer infrastructure. But investment in new tools and technology have helped Addison sustain a healthy system in the face of population growth.

The Chicago suburb’s sewer division has made significant changes to its workflow over the past five years to adapt for new development, but Addison isn’t quite done growing. With the addition of two new subdivisions, the village anticipates added wear and tear on aging sewer infrastructure, and the sewer division is outfitting itself with the future in mind.

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Impacts of Image Resolution on AI Sewer Inspection

[fa icon="calendar'] May 19, 2021 7:03:53 PM / by WinCan

When approaching sewer maintenance, inspection teams need to both see defects and determine what kind of defects they are. That might not be asking much of a NASSCO-certified engineer, but the simple task of seeing and identifying defects is a tall order for artificial intelligence (AI), which is only starting to scratch the surface of its true potential in the wastewater industry.

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A New Vision for AI-enabled Data Services

[fa icon="calendar'] May 12, 2021 5:39:30 PM / by WinCan

As technology continues to shoulder more and more of our inspection workloads, it’s easy to forget that having enough qualified people to operate equipment, code and convert data, manage deliverables and analyze sewer infrastructure is just as important as having the software and equipment itself. But even with the right team, workloads can spike when you least expect it, causing your team to take on more work and stress, with the ensuing risk of delays and mistakes. AI-enabled data services allow your team to leverage the power and efficiency of AI, hands-on verification from data professionals, and fully integrated cloud hosting without breaking the bank or your team’s backs.

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WinCan Launches Sewermatics: Data Services for an AI-Enabled Future

[fa icon="calendar'] May 10, 2021 6:25:29 PM / by WinCan

WinCan has always evolved to meet the needs of the wastewater industry. Now, in a continued commitment to industry-leading sewer inspection solutions, WinCan is proud to introduce Sewermatics, a new collection of AI-powered services that help you get more out of your inspection data.

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Integration Spotlight: CentralSquare EAM (Powered by Lucity)

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 27, 2021 6:47:15 PM / by WinCan

In 2018, WinCan partnered with Lucity to bring even more flexibility to the WinCan platform and enhance the asset management capabilities of wastewater professionals around the world. Lucity had been an industry leader in wastewater asset management for nearly 30 years when they partnered with WinCan. Just a year later, they were acquired by CentralSquare, a move that would build on that value with even more robust offerings.

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The Evolution of Sewer Software

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 21, 2021 1:43:34 PM / by WinCan

In spite of advances in new sewer pipe material, the evolution of sewer inspection was relatively slow throughout most of the 20th century. Before the advent of camera technology and sewer inspection software, lamp-holes were used to gaze down into sewer mains to ensure water was flowing. If there was no water flowing or if the water was pooling, then the maintenance crews knew there was a problem. These wastewater professionals conducted most of their inspections and maintenance by entering the sewers and looking down main lines with nothing but their eyes and a bit of auxiliary light, but we’ve come a long way since then.

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Padre Dam Water District and WinCan Collaborate for Innovative Flushing App

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 19, 2021 7:03:06 PM / by WinCan

At Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Wastewater Collections Supervisor Rich Schultz and GIS Coordinator Jen Gordon have been working together on a program that utilizes technology to maximize efficiencies while maintaining reliable wastewater services in East San Diego County.

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Sewer Basics: Who Maintains Sewers?

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 12, 2021 3:20:06 PM / by WinCan

Sewer systems require regular inspections and maintenance to ensure they function at peak efficiency. But who is actually responsible for the labor involved in sewer upkeep?

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3D Modeling for Sewer System Analysis

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 5, 2021 5:05:59 PM / by WinCan

Municipalities often have hundreds of thousands of assets to keep track of. Without an accurate record of each one, its location and its condition, it’s impossible for engineers and operators to properly plan maintenance and expansion. However, advances in inspection and analysis methods are changing the way we understand the infrastructure that is under our feet, giving us the ability to visualize collection system layout and capacity like never before.

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How AI Learns to See Defects

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 22, 2021 3:25:45 PM / by WinCan

Although artificial intelligence (AI) won’t replace wastewater professionals, the sewer industry is making great strides in developing AI algorithms that can monitor data, predict outcomes and complete tasks in the same way a human would. From using telemetry data to improve upon hydraulic modeling of sewers, to AI-powered applications that identify anomalies in effluent, machine learning has enabled sewer professionals to better see, understand and manage wastewater and the infrastructure that transports it. 

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